
Presenting Sponsor

  • Featured as Presenting Sponsor in all Brunch Collateral
  • 8 tickets to Brunch
  • 4 raffle tickets
  • Full-page ad in digital program
  • Featured on the event website and in the live program

Recognition: Logo in promotional materials, inclusion in email blasts, featured in social media posts.

Compass of Hope Sponsor

  • 6 tickets to Brunch
  • 4 raffle tickets
  • Half-page ad in digital program
  • Featured on the event website and in the live program

Recognition: Logo in promotional materials, inclusion in email blasts, featured in social media posts.

I Love You a Brunch

  • 4 tickets to Brunch
  • 4 raffle tickets
  • Quarter Page Ad in Digital Program
  • Featured on the event website and in the live program

Recognition: Logo in promotional materials, inclusion in email blasts, featured in social media posts.


Be as Bubbly as Your Drink Sponsor

  • 2 tickets to Brunch
  • 2 raffle tickets
  • Featured on the event website and in the live program


Recognition: Logo in promotional materials, inclusion in email blasts, featured in social media posts.

Give Me Some of That Old-Fashioned Bourbon Sponsor

  • 2 tickets to Brunch
  • 1 raffle ticket
  • Featured on the event website and in the live program


Recognition: Logo in promotional materials, inclusion in email blasts, featured in social media posts.

An Affair to Remember Sponsor

  • 1 ticket to Brunch


Recognition: Logo in promotional materials, inclusion in email blasts, featured in social media posts.




Bubbles Bar Sponsor

Provides all products for Bubbles Bar.

  • Naming Rights to Bubbles Bar

Recognition: Logo in promotional materials, inclusion in email blasts, featured social media posts, live event program recognition.

Bourbon Bar Sponsor

Provides all products for Bourbon Bar.

  • Naming Rights to Bourbon Bar

Recognition: Logo in promotional materials, inclusion in email blasts, featured social media posts, live event program recognition.


Bloody Mary Sponsor

Provides all products for Bloody Mary Bar.

  • Naming Rights to Bloody Mary Bar

Recognition: Logo in promotional materials, inclusion in email blasts, featured social media posts, live event program recognition.




Brunch Bites Sponsor

Provides two (2) or more bites for each of the approximately 250 guests.

Recognition: Logo in promotional materials, inclusion in email blasts, featured social media posts, live event program recognition.

Dessert Delights Sponsor

Provides two (2) or more bites for each of the approximately 250 guests

Recognition: Logo in promotional materials, inclusion in email blasts, featured social media posts, live event program recognition.


In-Kind Donor

Make a donation of an in-kind product such as:

  • Gift cards
  • Adventures or experiences
  • Wine, spirits, or beer
  • Other items for our raffle packages and
  • fundraising activities


Recognition: Live event program recognition

Become a Sponsor

You can make a powerful statement by supporting BCRC and our clients by becoming a sponsor for our 2024 event, Bubbles & Bourbon Brunch. Contact Phyllis Rose, at Prose@bcrc.org with questions or interest in supporting BCRC's mission.


Compass of Hope Sponsor

Dr. Kent Macaulay, DDS

I Love You a Brunch Sponsor

Amado Dehoyos

Be as Bubbly as Your Drink Sponsor

Give Me Some of That Old-Fashioned Bourbon Sponsor

Judy Pesek & Ron Skipper

Emily DeMaria & Mark Nicola

An Affair to Remember Sponsor

Tammy & Kevin Benter